Why is designing important for your website?

web design

Right off the bat, according to the Stanford guidelines for web credibility, 75 per cent of the users judge a company’s credibility based on its visual design. Think of how an outdated-looking web design makes you feel. Would you want to go through the entire website? Of course, not. This brings another statistic into play. About 38 per cent of people stop engaging with websites having unattractive content and layout. With that said, the future is not entirely bleak. There are web design services in London that can make things a little easier.

Fundamental reasons why the design aspect merits consideration

Helps to form that first impression

Like how a model – or face of the brand – represents the brand in adverts and billboards, the design aspect represents your brand in the online space. Aesthetics, hence, help a great deal in getting those eyeballs. Let us say that a potential target audience member visits your website. What shall entice him to stay and explore for longer? It is the design elements of the website that will pave the way for further interest. It gives that member the first impression. An open secret is that attention spans are falling, and design is an excellent medium for holding your online fort. You only have a few seconds to create that positive impact on your online audience.

From researching web design and graphic design trends TOLS Multimedia can enhance and impress.

Another aspect is that most people first visit the website to get a fair idea about the business. Think of web design as the online face of your business. So, if your website seems outdated, the visiting member will leave with a negative impression. You will lose out on prospects and also get a higher bounce rate for your site.

Your web design does much more than leaving that first impression. It helps create a perception of your brand in the minds of your audiences. It is this perception that will determine further consideration and interaction with your brand.

Augments the Search Engine Optimization strategy

Think of design elements as the skeleton for your imagery and written content, if you may. So, a good design invariably makes for an excellent start. With that said, design elements influence the way you publish and place content on your website. And it is this that ultimately affects how the search engine spiders crawl and index your site.

If your on-page SEO is not up to the mark, it is all downhill from there. You will find yourself battling for visibility right from the start. So, do not mess with the web design! This aspect is the extrinsic factor for your business and brand.

Apart from the placement and publishing of content, some elements directly impact your website SEO. For this reason, web design is a complex phenomenon to grasp. There is more to process than you think and even more to ponder over. Nonetheless, simply put, test your code for SEO-friendliness.

It sets your impression up for customer service

Web design can affect the brand perception for target audiences at personal levels. The aesthetics of your website helps them judge how you – as a business and brand – will treat them. If your design efforts seem substandard, the audience member gets put off. They will get the impression that your brand will not put effort towards listening and helping them. Plus, your website also serves as a customer service representative. A website that is vibrant, bright and modern is welcoming. Add to it query fonts and fun-filled imagery, and your impression is off the charts. These aspects give the perception that your brand is open-minded to newer audience members. It is akin to an affable, amiable face greeting the visitors.

Helps with trust-building

A well-designed website instils trust and credibility for potential audience members.

Think about a person scouring for that perfect gift for his or her spouse during their anniversary. The brand is spending significant sums and putting in efforts in creating those gift products and packages. But how can customers possibly know of that? Through your web design. A consumer would be spending a lot of time looking for something expressive and compassionate; if your web design reflects the same idea, you’ve hit the right spot.

To take another example, look at a professional website of a medical firm or a banking corporation. Now, these services affect people’s finances and health. The colour palette will be light, simple and minimalist. A professional-looking website shall then instil trust and credibility with the audience. They will feel comfortable exploring your website.

Elevates the User-Friendliness

A corollary to a good web design is user-friendliness. And the connection is quite significant! A pleasant and aesthetically-looking website makes it easier for visitors to find the information they need. Research studies posit that about 86 per cent of users scroll websites to see products and services, 65 per cent for contact information, and 52 per cent for the Our Story page. Therefore, navigation and layout are also design elements. As standard conventions, it is a given that primary products and services should be on the main navigation and the Contact details on the upper right-hand corner of your website.

You see, even if you have a fully functional website, but the design elements are haywire, the visitors will leave feeling frustrated and disappointed. To prove this point, two Japanese researchers conducted a study by creating two ATMs. Both functioned identically, and there was only one difference. One had an attractive design, and the other did not. Users reported the aesthetically designed equipment as the better performer. With that said, a good web design also impacts the perception of usability.


Web design is a crucial aspect for your brand and business going ahead. However, nailing web design is a complex endeavour. Luckily, several tools and technologies help with web design. Use them in line with your audience perception, and you’re good to go.

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About the Author: John Watson

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