What To Expect In A Nursing Career

Nursing Career

Ever seen a nurse and wondered how they discovered their calling and got to where they are now? Well, they were determined to serve others they stood their ground. There are a handful of reasons as to why nursing could appeal to anyone carrying a bulging desire to be the bigger person when no one else wants to. If you want to help injured and sick patients, have the opportunity to work in numerous settings, and want to be a role model for those around you, nursing is the perfect way to make that happen.

So with that in mind, is a nursing school worth the shot? Or, more specifically, will you be able to make it to the other side? We know; these are complicated questions. But thankfully, there’s no need to worry and blow your brains out on whether you should consider nursing or not because we have you covered. Listed below is everything you need to expect if you are thinking about joining this fantastic yet taxing career.

* Nursing School Will Be Challenging

Regardless of what you are starting in, prepare to be challenged. Nursing is a vast field, so there will be a lot to learn, but don’t be overwhelmed. Your advisors and instructors will be there to guide you, and they will support you along the way.

To become a fully certified nurse, you will need to pass a licensure exam. Many states will allow you to practice in their state with a license from a different state. The time it will take for you to become graduated will largely depend on the program you choose. For instance, if you’ve done a bachelor’s in nursing and are now aiming for a terminal degree in nursing, such as a DNP, EdD, or Ph.D./DNS/DNSc, you will need about two years of full-time study. Just ensure never to doubt yourself and always keep your eyes on the prize. Before you know it, surviving the days of nursing school will be over, and you will get the chance to kick-start your career in nursing.

* Expect To Have A Lot Of Choices

There are, however, over 200 specialties to choose from, including cardiac nursing, travel nursing, in-home to hospice care, midwifery, and child, palliative nursing. Nursing is a career that can be tailored to your interests, whether they are children, travel, education, grief counseling, case management, or any of a variety of other specialties. Some require additional certification, while others only require R.N. certification. So expect to have a lot of options!

* Nursing Is A Well-Respected And Trusted Profession

Fortunately, nurses have a well-respected and dependable role in the industry. Take into account the last time you were in a hospital (if you ever have been). Who was it who made sure you were at ease in your surroundings and had everything you needed to unwind? Nurses have a well-deserved reputation for being friendly and attentive individuals who can make you feel at ease and calm.

* Witnessing Patient Suffering Will Never Be Easy

Even if you’ve never been grossed out by injuries or blood, seeing people in pain can be far less clinical than you think. Yes, it can be challenging to see people in mental, physical, and emotional pain, but you, as a nurse, can be able to ease their pain. Let that be your light at the end of the tunnel!

Also, consider your specialty carefully and how you will react when your patients are in pain or going through a difficult time. Certain types of nurses are confronted with more severe health issues during their shifts than others. You might even witness some horrific traumas. So make sure you are emotionally strong to handle such cases before you sign up to be a nurse.

* You Will Need Strong Communication And Management Skills

Time management skills are critical for academic success and will become even more critical once you begin working. Great nurses are well-organized, can quickly adapt to new situations, and pay close attention to detail.

The profession of nursing also requires strong communication skills. Nurses must be able to communicate effectively with other nurses and doctors and demonstrate compassion and understanding when dealing with patients. Moreover, nurses recognize that everyone has their own set of life experiences and values to draw on. They try to see the situation from the patient’s perspective to meet the needs. So ensure to have a balance of effective communication and management to keep your nursing career running.

* Expect To Have Burnout

It is important to note that nursing is an emotionally and physically demanding career. Hence, taking the time you need to recharge is necessary – specially when you are at the height of your career.

This can act as a fantastic short-term stress management tip, but it will not help in averting nurse burnout for long. For all the incredible lives you touch each day, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, you will be drained from time to time. Truth be told, there is no avoiding nurse burnout, but you can prepare for it and proactively deal with it. So when you entirely become a certified nurse, ensure to look after yourself. Take vacations. Find a hobby, or take time to be alone. Anything will work, as long as it helps you recharge.

By now, it’s plain to see that nursing is both a challenging and gratifying career. However, it is not always easy, but things might start to look a little bright for you once you get your foot in the door. What’s more, hospitals are under a lot of pressure to keep their nurses happy while attracting new ones to the arena. Hence, now is a perfect time to get into nursing. Just be sure to take the above-said list of expectations to heart. Also, remember to evaluate yourself and know that you have what it takes to handle the pressure while saving the lives of those in distress and agony. We wish you good luck!

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About the Author: John Watson

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