Types of Online Employee Training Programs

Online Employee Training Programs

In any company, training is a must-do activity. Employees benefit from training as it provides them with skills to accomplish their jobs more efficiently. Training is one of the most effective strategies to close the gap between the job’s criteria and the employee’s profile. Employee competency may be improved by training, which positively impacts job performance. Traditionally, training has been done in a classroom setting, with personnel gathered in a hall and instructed by a trainer. The issue with this strategy is that it limits training to a few hours and requires staff to be available during that period.

If many people are pulled off the job to attend training, it will be difficult for customer service organizations to function. Employees like online training options since they can learn in their spare time. It guarantees that training is not limited to a few hours but instead takes place over an extended period. Online training program for employees is advantageous for both employers as well as employees since it is accessible at any time and from any location. Following are the benefits of employee training.

For an organization:

  • Boost your profits and growth.
  • Helps businesses gain a good reputation.
  • Lower employee turnover.
  • Builds a competent workforce

For employees:

  • Possibility of professional progression
  • Self-development assistance
  • Increased and improved production

Benefits of Online Employee Training Programs

Investing in an online employee training system to replace your conventional training setup is a worthwhile investment. As a result of this, your organization will be able to do more, such as:

  • Use the online library to retrieve courses and edit them in minutes, saving time when building modules each time you train.
  • Use the online library to retrieve courses and edit them in minutes, saving time when building modules each time you train.
  • Control incidental costs (meal, accommodation, and stationery) that were previously required for the typical training setup.
  • All course material will be stored online, which will, in turn, make access and updating easier.
  • Make contact with workers all across the world.
  • After evaluations, expect a quicker turnaround time to review findings and monitor results.
  • Add more to the online platform, such as exit surveys, training comments, and professional development program material to get more out of it.
  • Be on the same page with most of your staff and the new generation of users who are more familiar with the technology.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint in a world where environmental protection is a constant battle.

Different types of online training

While there are many other forms of training, the following six are the most important for employees and beneficial to every company.

1. Orientation Training

Orientation training is the first training that all new workers get. It entails acclimating the new employee to the company. The following are some of the significant subjects that would be covered:

  • The organization’s vision, mission, and goals
  • Structure and history of the company
  • Workplace culture
  • The beginning of the organization’s operations
  • Crucial policies and processes

All of these subjects may be handled successfully using online training sessions.

2. Onboarding

 Onboarding and orientation are often confused. Orientation is a one-time activity that occurs when a new employee enters the company. Onboarding is a prolonged process. Aside from the first introduction, it ensures that the employee is acclimated to the department or role to which he or she has been assigned. It guarantees that employees know their job responsibilities and seamlessly as well as successfully integrate into their workplace. This may need numerous sessions of instruction. Online training would be ideal for ensuring consistent learning till the onboarding process is completed.

3. Technical Training

An employee needs technical capabilities in order to accomplish their job. These are subject-matter skills relevant to the employee’s employment. These abilities assist the employee in completing their tasks in a timely and efficient manner. If the position is in marketing, the person must have marketing and customer service abilities. If the work entails software development, the individual must thoroughly understand the development tool. The majority of technical knowledge is acquired throughout one’s schooling. In truth, there is a significant disconnect between what students learn in college and what employers demand. Individual development programs held on a regular basis may assist the employee in filling up those gaps and developing into a valuable addition to the company.

Training helps keep employees up to speed on the newest innovations in their field and the technologies they use. It enables workers to develop the abilities they need. It might be at a beginner’s level or a higher degree of skill. Employees may learn these abilities in a controlled manner at their own speed and convenience using online training. The immediate superior may keep track of the program’s success and recommend extra training as needed. An online training program also allows for evaluating training efficacy, which is beneficial.

4. Product Training

Every employee must be aware that a business offers its goods or services to clients. They may need to know everything about the items depending on the nature of their business. Every employee should be aware of the product type, the need for the product, its history, product characteristics, and the unique proposition value the product gives. Those who connect with consumers need in-depth product expertise to respond to any client questions. When new products are launched, personnel must be trained in order to keep up with the current advances.

5. Compulsory training

This includes compulsory training that may be mandated by law or regulation. For example, it might be sexual harassment prevention training, workplace safety training, basic first-aid training, fire safety training, or office rules training.

6. Soft skills Training

Employees need soft skills in addition to core technical abilities to accomplish their jobs effectively. These are some of these abilities:

  • Communication skills
  • Leadership abilities
  • Time management skills
  • Controlling your stress
  • Stress management skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Workplace ethics
  • Conflict management

These soft skills aid in the development of the employee’s entire personality. It offers them the assurance they need to do their duties effectively.


These six types of training can all be done over the internet. This guarantees that training can be completed at the trainee’s comfort. It enables the employee to proceed at his or her own speed. The inclusion of multimedia may make an online training program more entertaining, and it is a very effective medium for training delivery.

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About the Author: John Watson

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