Dowager’s hump and exercises that can help

Dowager’s hump

Dowager’s hump is the protrusion that forms in the upper part of the back, right next to the neck. Medically known as hyper kyphosis, dowager’s hump occurs when there is greater curvature to the spine than normal.

The hump can develop over time due to poor posture, mostly when people tend to lean forwards. While the condition can be painful, if caused by poor posture, Dowager’s hump can potentially be improved through exercises and similar practices.

However, you should always seek proper diagnosis from an orthopedic doctor in Johar Town Lahore, since there are many other causes of the hump, and not addressing them can lead to problems otherwise.

What are the causes of Dowager’s hump?

There are different causes of Dowager’s hump. These include:

Poor posture: A very common cause is poor posture. It causes a gradual curvature in the spine.

Congenital issues: Some babies might be born with a spine that was not correctly formed, increasing the risk for Dowager’s syndrome.

Diseases: Certain diseases and problems like degenerative disc disease, calcification of anterior longitudinal ligament, Scheuermann’s kyphosis, etc., can also lead to this condition.

Genetics: Having a family history of Dowager’s hump can increase the risk of developing it.

What are the symptoms of Dowager’s hump?

While the appearance of a hump and posture are an obvious indicator of the condition, there are other signs that also accompany Dowager’s hump. These include:

Back problems: The hump causes back pain and stiffness.

Balance problems: As the spine gets out of alignment, people with Dowager’s hump also have balance issues.

Breathing issues: As lungs are in proximity of the problem area, therefore, they might also get affect as a result. However, these breathing issues are more common in people who already have a history of lung or heart problem.

Posture: Another sign of Dowager’s hump is poor posture, whether when sitting or standing.

Why improving posture and exercise is helpful?

Your posture has an important impact on the health and alignment of your spine. When you focus on your posture, keeping your spine straight when standing and sitting, you then help your spine retain just the right amount of curve.

Similarly, exercises help in strengthening the adjacent muscles. Strong muscles also mean your bones have better support. It helps in improving the symptoms of backache and poor posture as well.

Furthermore, for in cases where the posture was the underlying cause, remedying the problem is imperative for curing the issue.

What exercises can be of help?

Cat/Cow pose

Yoga is great for not only improving posture but breathing as well. Cat/Cow stretches aid in making the spine flexible, helps with backpain and improved posture.

To do the pose, get on all fours. Inhale, and drop your stomach down, lifting your head towards the ceiling. Make sure that you open your shoulders. Hold for a few seconds, and exhale as your drop your face down, lift your hips up and arch your back. Do at least 10 reps.

Chin tucks

Chin tucks help in the alignment of the upper part of the spine. They also aid in making the neck muscles strong, which otherwise might hurt because of the hump and poor posture.

To do chin tucks, sit with your back upright. Then, lean forward your chin, stretching your neck as a result. Hold, then move into initial position. Repeat 10 to 15 times and do a couple of times a day.

Shoulder blade squeezes

This exercise is effective for making your upper back and shoulder muscles stronger.

You may sit or stand in a comfortable position, keeping your shoulders in a neutral position. Then, squeeze and push them back, opening your chest. Hold the position for a few and release. Do 10 reps.

Getting professional help

Your prognosis of Dowager’s hump is contingent on your condition, the cause, your habits, etc. Hence, it is imperative that you seek the counsel of an orthopedic surgeon in Surgimed Hospital and follow their instructions for to get better.

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About the Author: John Watson

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