Growing Cannabis in the UK: Recommendations from the Community


Want to start experimenting with growing cannabis? You’re not alone. More and more people in the UK are interested in growing cannabis. This often affects people who already use cannabis, but who normally buy it on the street. The downside of these products is the origin and the production process. What was used in the production process? There could be a wide range of pesticides and artificial growth additives in cannabis. Not something you would like to inhale. This has fostered a new era of cannabis cultivation in the UK.

How to start?

The ideal way to start is to grow from feminized cannabis seeds. This is a special breed where you can always be sure that the plant you are growing is female. It makes the process less stressful because you know you will be working towards a positive outcome. These feminized cannabis seeds grow at their best at around 21 degrees Celsius. Most homes are at this temperature, which makes them the perfect plant to grow in your home.

Less costs, more fun

When the plant can grow at room temperature, you will need less equipment to grow it. This is beneficial as the costs can be quite high if you want advanced equipment. The chances of success with feminized cannabis seeds are high, especially for novices.

What else is there there?

Are you looking for another challenge? Amnesia Haze is a famous plant that is renowned around the world. It is a special breed that developed in the United States and grew big when they found their way to Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Amnesia Mist is a mixture of different breeds and comes together like a strong plant with an intense effect. This not only requires an experienced producer, but also an experienced consumer.

Leveraging the international community

More and more people around the world are cultivating cannabis themselves. In the UK there is a huge community of forums, websites and social media that you can take advantage of. here you can share your experiences and get ideas from other producers. The number of producers is also increasing due to COVID-19 and government-imposed lockdowns. People are looking for indoor hobbies and growing cannabis just might be.

It’s like cooking

You can compare growing cannabis to cooking. You not only enjoy the preparation process, but also the experience of the final product. This makes for a satisfying and fulfilling hobby to start with. Some of your friends might like it too! There are apps that can help you connect and share your progress. It shouldn’t be limited to your existing friends, but can be shared with people around the world. It’s time to put your lockdown time to good use!

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About the Author: John Watson

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