Funny bingo calls that are still around

funny bingo calls

There are plenty of gambling games out there these days, however none of them are anywhere near as varied and multi-faceted as bingo. Seriously, there are so many different places where bingo is played these days, something that has led people to dismiss it as not a proper gambling game at all. If anything, however, bingo is much more of a gambling game than many other examples, purely because it has the capacity to engage so many different types of people – click to play Barbados.

For example, in the 1800s the Germans popularised the use of bingo in schools, teaching pupils about things like mathematics whilst using the game. What other gambling game can you think of that also has the capacity to teach kids, eh? Bingo is also great because of its comic nature, with funny bingo calls being a prominent reason why so many people love bingo. Keep reading for some funny bingo calls that are still around.

What’s the deal with bingo calls?

Most bingo enthusiasts will know all about bingo calls these days, however one thing they may be confused by is why on Earth bingo calls even exist. You often hear about the wonderfully varied history of bingo, but it is rare that anybody actually offers a proper history of bingo calls and why they exist.

So, what’s the deal with bingo calls? Well, bingo calls are largely accepted to have been invented by soldiers serving during WWII. Back then a game called Housey Housey was popular, essentially bingo but under a different name. During playing the game soldiers would think up various different phrases for each number, with particular emphasis going towards making them as comical as possible.

Examples of funny bingo calls that are still around

The world of bingo calls is often hilarious, and it also goes on and on, with anybody really being able to make their own bingo calls up. Whilst this is true for games of bingo played at home, there are a set of traditional bingo calls that tend to be used in bingo halls. Bingo callers have a history of swapping some of these traditional bingo calls out for more comic ones, however.

Here are some examples of funny bingo calls:

  • 30: Dirty Girty
  • 66: Kinky tricks
  • 69: Meal for two with a view
  • 21: Adult fun
  • 20 Getting plenty
  • 19: Keep’em keen

Bingo top tips to win

Everybody loves a few funny bingo calls, however we’re sure you would probably rather know some bingo top tips to win. Keep reading for a few:

  • More scorecards the better: A general rule of thumb is that the more bingo scorecards you have, the better your chances of winning. Careful here though, because if you overdo it you will have real trouble keeping track of your many different scorecards.

·         Don’t play in busy lobbies: With bingo it’s crucial to remember that the more people you are playing with, the less your chances of winning.

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About the Author: John Watson

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