Best teacher interview tips

teacher interview tips

In professional governmental and private job sectors, interviews have become a major part of the selection and recruitment of the applicants to the various job profiles. In the teaching profession too, interviews are conducted. After filling out an application for a teaching job, you get a call from several educational institutions to come for an interview before getting selected for a teaching job.

 These interviews are conducted to check the subject knowledge, teaching abilities, and strategies that one will use to provide the students with a quality education.  Let us discuss some tips that will guide you regarding the interview process, and prepare effectively to clear the interview with impressive results.

Tips to prepare effectively for a teacher interview

  1. Have knowledge about child psychology

In a classroom full of students, all have different behavioral and social skills. The branch of psychology that deals with social, emotional, and behavioral changes in students from childhood to adolescence are known as child psychology. To prepare well for a teaching interview, you need to have a good amount of knowledge about child psychology.

 This way you can answer questions raised by the interviewer on how to tackle different student behavior, how to meet their emotional needs. You can add some points like using motivational quotes for students, interacting with all, being welcoming and affectionate will work in this regard.

  1. Focus on nonverbal communication skills too

Along with verbal communication and answers we give to the questions, nonverbal components play an equal part to give an impressive interview. The interviewer focuses on everything you do as well as say. Nonverbal components consist of body language, posture, gestures, facial expressions, etc. Take care of the following points when preparing for a teaching interview.

  • Maintain eye contact with the interviewer to show you are well-focused.
  • Sit in an appropriate body posture with your back straight and head not leaned forward or backward.
  • Dress up smartly and professionally.
  • Nod your regularly, maintain a smile on your face to show interest in the interview.
  1. Stay positive throughout

We all know and have experienced too, that interviews bring along a lot of nervousness and fear. But don’t let your anxiety, stress, and nervousness overpower your strengths and interview answers. As a teacher, you have to be around students throughout the day.

The authorities want to hire teachers who construct a positive learning environment for the students and have a positive mindset of teaching and dealing with students. Therefore, while giving an interview remember to follow this tip. Don’t talk negatively and face the challenging questions raised with a positive attitude.

  1. Be technical friendly

In the digital era we are living in, education is no more limited to conventional classrooms and textbooks. The education system has evolved a lot. Today, technology is being vastly used to impart education to students. And having the basic technical understanding to teach is important. Whenever preparing for a teaching interview, brush up on your technical skills. Know online teaching methods. Learn how to teach with the help of audiovisual aids such as PowerPoint presentations, modules, educational videos, and more.

Some general tips to follow

  • Be thorough with the portfolio you submit and carry with you. Remember what all you have mentioned in the portfolio or CV and use them in your answers.
  • Share examples with the answers you give. With the help of examples, the interviewer will understand and relate to your teaching skills better.
  • Be passionate about teaching students and excelling in your field.
  • To impress the interviewer more, you can also ask some questions to show your interest in communication and the topics being discussed.
  • Stay confident. Don’t hesitate and don’t let your fear obstruct you from communicating with the interviewer. Whatever you know, say it with confidence.


After completing the teaching qualifications, all aim to become teachers, follow their passion, and achieve success in life. To get recruited for the best teaching jobs, you have to clear the interview phase. To crack the interview, all the above-mentioned tips will be very helpful for you. All these tips will help you to portray the best teaching skills that make you fit for the job position you have applied for. Remember to stay confident and positive. Feel comfortable and give quality answers to the questions raised.

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About the Author: John Watson

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